


This is a function to convert one-byte into two-byte or two-byte into one byte. option meaning r alphabet two-byte to one-byte R alphabet one-byte to two-byte n number two-byte to one-byte N number one-byte to two-byte a alphabet and numbe…


パン教室の2回目です。今回はピザ。 お持ち帰り用の箱までいただいちゃいました。 生地をつくって、生地を伸ばして、白焼きにすると・・・冷凍できて、食べたい時にソースと具をのせて焼くと、焼きたてのピザが食べられるみたいです。何回も作るのは大変なの…


I listed taskes. I used color sticky note. The color has the meaning. The taskes isn't mine, it's my boss's. He is so busy, cos he's clever and skillful at the job. I can help him a little bit. I'm newcomer of this department. I don't have…



gather up rubbish

Suddenly Yuki said We're going to gather up rubbish!! Every Friday, after 6 we do!!I've joined the management team of the company since this new fiscal year started. Our team thinks about how is good for company, the environment, the rule,…

=== & !==

Today I saw === . I didn't know this equality operator before. It's a kind of equality operator.== : to compare values. === : to compare values and forms.1 == '1' is true, but 1 === '1' is false.Some other languages have same operator, Rub…


It started a new project 2 weeks ago. Today I've made the application development environment. It was a first time to do it since I joined this company. At first I felt it difficult. If I had more knowledge, I could have done it more easil…