

I took a mistake. I have to make master picture, and then make each picture. But already I know how to do it. just do. I'd wasted my time.


resize so many pictures. each height and width is difference, of course propotion as well. But have to make one size. used the tool, and then have to check them. so messy, and makes me sleepy.

I can't make DB

Finally I accesed the DB. But I can't make DB. It has a problem of settings. I can't change it, I can just tell the administrator of it at second hand. At first, tomorrow, I have to tell it.....


検証エラー時の戻り先には遷移先の jsp ファイルを指定しますが、メソッドを指定したいこともあります。一覧等から遷移した登録画面で、登録時のエラーチェック時等です。その時にはメソッドを指定したいのですが、メソッド名だけだと引数がないと urlPatter…



<div style="width:500px; height:450px; border:2px;"> </div> IEでは・・・ border は style で指定した[高さ・幅]の内側に Firefoxでは・・・ border は style で指定した[高さ・幅]の外側に なので、border の内側の領域が異なることに。それが原因で、あんなことやこんなことが・・・いまさらわかってしまいました。

how to descriminate mobile carriers

String agent = request.getHeader("user-agent"); if(agent.indexOf("DoCoMo") == 0){ //ドコモ } else if(agent.indexOf("J-PHONE") == 0 || agent.indexOf("Vodafone") == 0 || agent.indexOf("SoftBank") == 0){ //softbank } else if(agent.indexOf("UP…

new project

I joined new project which used Java. I have programmed in it long time ago. I've already forgot it. Now I'm beginner. I have to study.