
本日 I嬢 の机の上にあった広告の1つです。気になります。ので、いただいちゃいました。一応イギリスに約1年(正確には10ヶ月)いましたから、日常会話程度ならできるんですけどね。単語力あげてもっと、いろんなことをきちんと表現できる力がほしいです。あとから、

Today I found a brochure on the desk of Ms. I. I was so interested in it and she gave me. I can speak English in daly conversation without dictionary, because I've lived in the UK for about one year, actually 10 months. I'm not satisfied with my English level. I'd like to brush up my English. I want to explain something I think exactly. Sometimes I think I'd have said like this at that time. My goal is to receive over 800 on TOEIC. I've heard it's more difficult than I expect. Last time I took the test after I came back to Japan from the UK, was the first time of my life. I didn't study so hard, that's why my score isn't good, especially reading part. I'd like to make high score when I take it again.